Hill Tax Center seeks volunteers during tax season

Hill Tax Center seeks volunteers during tax season

Each year the Hill Air Force Base Tax Center offers tax preparation services for military members, retirees, and their dependents. These services can save hundreds of dollars per client in tax return preparation costs. Over the past few years, the Tax Center has saved military and retiree families over $1 million in tax return preparation costs. The Tax Center is seeking volunteers to help in continuing to provide these services to military members and their families. 

The Tax Center will open late January 2015 and remain open until mid-April 2015. The tentative schedule for the Tax Center is as follows: 

• Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Closed weekends and holidays

Appointments will also be available with tax center managers.

During busy days, the Tax Center may have to stop walk-ins early to ensure those that are currently waiting are helped before closing the center.

In order for the Tax Center to provide accurate advice and tax preparation, volunteers will be trained on the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. This training is mandatory for all Tax Center volunteers.

Volunteers will attend a class the first or second week of January, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Training will cover such topics as tax law changes, how to prepare taxes, and issues specific to the military. 

In addition, all volunteers will receive copies of the IRS training package as a reference. 

The tax center is considered an alternate duty site during regular duty hours. Therefore, work at the Tax Center needs to be approved through your supervisor and commander. Volunteers may be eligible for up to 10 hours of free childcare a week plus other benefits through the Airmen and Family Readiness Center. 

For more information, contact Lance Thaxton at 801-586-6455 or Capt. Trevor Smith at 801-777-6792.

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